Blogs > The Reporter's Community Notebook

A notebook of local information for and written by the community.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

HALLOWEEN: Share your paranormal experiences, ghost stories

Have you heard footsteps upstairs when you know you are the only one in the house? Do your doors open and close on their own? Have you felt someone touch you only to turn around to find that no one is there?

Halloween is just around the corner and to celebrate The Reporter wants to hear about your paranormal experiences –  whether they have occurred in Lansdale, Souderton, Montgomeryville or somewhere else – for a special feature for our website and Oct. 30-31 print editions.

We will highlight the best stories leading up to Oct. 31 on our website. To share your story, simply fill out the form below and please be sure to identify yourself. Full names do not have to be used but we do appreciate first names and last initials.


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